19.5.2008 | 13:51
ADRA að starfi í Búrma
Hérna er frétt frá heimasíðu ADRA af starfi þeirra í Búrma og hérna er linkur á síðu sem gefur manni kleypt að styrkja starfið, sjá: Myanmar Cyclone Fund
May 16: ADRA Delivers Increased Aid in Southern Myanmar
Silver Spring, Maryland--The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) is continuing its response in the aftermath of Cyclone Nargis, partnering with the World Food Programme (WFP) and other non-governmental organizations to distribute food, clothing, medicine, and non-food items to survivors in the affected regions, including the devastated towns of Myaungmya and Labutta, and more remote villages such as Kya Kyawn, Paine Kone, Amakalay, and Amak Gyi located in the devastated Irrawaddy Delta in southern Myanmar.
On May 14, ADRA finalized a cooperative agreement with the WPF to assist survivors of Cyclone Nargis through food distribution in and around Labutta, a town that has become a focal point for thousands of internally displaced persons (IDPs) seeking refuge in dozens of make-shift camps, and where ADRA has already provided at least 25 metric tons of rice to survivors.
Working with Swiss Development Cooperation (SDC), ADRA received a shipment of shelter materials, which will be distributed shortly. Items include 20 large multi-purpose tents, 10 family tents, 2,742 plastic sheets of various sizes, and 1,500 family kitchen sets for five persons each.
In the town of Myaungmya, ADRA has partnered with World Vision and Metta, a local non-governmental organization, to distribute 10,000 blankets, clothing (longyi, slippers, and underwear), and medicine among the displaced in 28 IDP camps. ADRA is also providing hot food for 187 displaced persons who are staying at an IDP camp in the Myaungmya Union Adventist Seminary, and preparing to distribute 250 medical kits in the immediate region.
Additionally, ADRA has accessed remote villages in the delta to distribute rice and transport survivors to Labutta, for improved care. The rice is being provided to 14 camps in the area, where cooking equipment has also been provided to survivors to assist them in meal preparation.
In the aftermath of Cyclone Nargis, ADRA has been working to provide for the needs of survivors, committing at least $265,500 in emergency funding, and distributing much-needed food, medicine, and other essential items for survivors. ADRA has distributed 25 metric tons of rice and power biscuits for an estimated 50,000 IDPs in Labutta. ADRA has also distributed nearly 5,000 lbs. of rice as well as a supply of clean drinking water to affected villages in the Piensalu islands, south of Labutta.
In recent days, ADRA has shipped 20 medicine packs and 150 lbs. of medical supplies, one million water purification tablets, and water purification and filtration systems that will benefit approximately 48,000 people a day. ADRA has also distributed 10,000 sets of plates, spoons, cups, and other kitchen equipment for cooking rice to 10,000 IDPs in various camps in Labutta.
The shipping and distribution of ADRA emergency supplies and food in Myanmar has not been hampered, despite heavy rains in the last 48 hours and reports that relief aid has been diverted. All ADRA aid intended for survivors is reaching the target communities in the Irrawaddy Delta as expected.
In Yangon, ADRA staff are working with emergency response teams in the delta to expand the flow of aid into affected areas. Marcel Wagner, currently director in Myanmar, has been called to the Regional Coordinating office in Bangkok, Thailand, to evaluate the overall response.
ADRAs emergency response is centered in the devastated Irrawaddy Delta region, which suffered the most damage as a result of cyclonic winds that reached more than 120 mph (193 km/h). Although officially at least 38,000 people have died and 27,000 remain missing, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) estimates, as of May 13, that between 63,000 to 101,000 people have died, while some 220,000 remain missing, and between 1.6 to 2.5 million have been severely affected.
On Sunday, May 4, a state of emergency was declared across five regions, including Yangon, Irrawaddy, Pegu, Karen and Mon, in which 24 million people live.
The most urgently needed items include food, water purification supplies, plastic sheeting, cooking sets, mosquito nets, fuel, and emergency health kits.
Updates will be released as ADRAs response efforts expand.
To send your contribution to ADRAs emergency response effort, please contact ADRA at 1.800.424.ADRA (2372) or give to the Myanmar Cyclone Fund.
ADRA is present in 125 countries, providing community development and emergency management without regard to political or religious association, age, gender, race, or ethnicity.
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ADRA Expands Emergency Relief in Myanmar</strong
Silver Spring, Maryland—The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) is expanding its response in the aftermath of Cyclone Nargis, committing $265,500 in emergency funds for immediate disaster relief, and providing food assistance and medical supplies to communities in the hard-hit Irrawaddy Delta region in southern Myanmar. These funds are complemented by an additional $100,000 from the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).In an effort to assist survivors, the ADRA network is funding an emergency response project that will provide food rations (rice, pulses, and salt), temporary shelter materials (tarpaulins, bamboo, and nylon rope), 5-gallon water containers, kitchen sets (bowls, spoons, and cups), tool kits, and hygiene kits to approximately 20,000 internally displaced persons (IDPs) who escaped low-lying villages in the delta region during the May 2 and 3 storm. Donors to this project include ADRA International, ADRA supporting offices in Canada, New Zealand, Australia, Czech Republic, Norway, Denmark, Finland, Sweden, United Kingdom, Portugal, Netherlands, Japan, and HELP International.Working in conjunction with the World Food Programme (WFP), ADRA has already distributed 25 metric tons of rice and power biscuits to an estimated 50,000 IDPs in Labutta, a rice-trading town in the delta, which has become a refuge for thousands of people. Additionally, the distribution of 45 metric tons of rice is currently underway in 14 Labutta IDP camps where approximately 20,000 people have taken refuge. In the Piensalu islands south of Labutta, a separate ADRA food distribution program has provided nearly 5,000 lbs. of rice and a supply of clean drinking water to affected villages. Food distributions are expected to increase in coming days.ADRA International, through a partnership with World Emergency Relief (WER), is shipping 20 medicine packs containing medical supplies valued at approximately $129,000 to be used by a medical team already providing first aid assistance to residents of an isolated part of the delta. Each pack provides about 1,500 treatments from mixed medicines, antiseptics, and antibiotics. In a separate shipment donated by Heart to Heart International, ADRA has sent 150 lbs. of medical supplies, including broad-spectrum antibiotics, analgesics, vitamins, topical creams, oral rehydration salts, anti-amebic drugs, bandages, and disposable vinyl gloves. Additional donations include 250 medical kits provided by Germany-based Johanniter International Assistance, which have already been transported to the disaster area, together with a new shipment of plates, spoons, and cooking equipment for IDP camps.ADRA has also received water filtration units capable of providing clean water for 46,000 people a day, three small water systems that will help purify water for up to 2,000 people each, and one million water purification tables. These items, donated by Global Medic and Muslim Aid, are currently being delivered to Labutta, where residents can only fetch water from a 15-acre pond. Training for the water equipment will also be provided. In the last few days, ADRA has distributed 10,000 sets of plates, spoons, cups, and other kitchen equipment for cooking rice to 10,000 IDPs in various camps in Labutta. Another shipment is expected to be delivered May 13, the same day that ADRA will transport and distribute 20 large tents and tarpaulins donated by SDC.Downed trees, debris, and widespread flooding have hampered transportation efforts to and from affected areas in the delta. In many instances, reaching villages has only been possible by boat. On May 12, ADRA brought approximately 250 people by boat to Labutta from remote low-lying areas.ADRA’s emergency response is centered in the devastated Irrawaddy Delta region, which suffered the most damage as a result of cyclonic winds that reached more than 120 mph (193 km/h). Although officially at least 31,000 people have died and 29,000 remain missing, the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA) estimates, as of May 13, that between 63,000 to 101,000 people have died, while some 220,000 remain missing, and at least 1.5 million have been severely affected and left vulnerable to diseases.On Sunday, May 4, a state of emergency was declared across five regions, including Yangon, Irrawaddy, Pegu, Karen and Mon, in which 24 million people live. Today, the most urgently needed items include food, water purification supplies, plastic sheeting, cooking sets, mosquito nets, fuel, and emergency health kits.Updates will be released as ADRA’s response efforts expand.To send your contribution to ADRA’s emergency response effort, please contact ADRA at 1.800.424.ADRA (2372) or give to the Myanmar Cyclone Fund at www.adra.orgADRA is present in 125 countries, providing community development and emergency management without regard to political or religious association, age, gender, race, or ethnicity.Additional information about ADRA can be found at www.adra.org.-END-Author: Hearly Mayr/Nadia McGillMedia Contact:Hearly Mayr
ADRA International
12501 Old Columbia Pike
Silver Spring, MD 20904
Phone: 301.680.6376
E-mail: Media.Inquiries@adra.org
Eiríkur Ingvar Ingvarsson, 20.5.2008 kl. 19:58
Takk fyrir þetta Eiríkur. Þetta er frábært starf sem þetta fólk er að vinna.
Mofi, 20.5.2008 kl. 20:01
Þar sem ég hef ekki netfangið þitt þá sendi ég þér þetta svona...
Washington Post valdi fjórar hjálpastofnanir sem væru trúverðuglegar og ábyggilegar til að standa að hjálparstarfi í Burma og þar var ADRA á meðal. Mælti þetta virta blað með því að gjafendur sendi framlög sín til þessara félaga, þar sem það bæri augljóslega árangur.
Strax og vind lægði gat ADRA hafið störf þar sem birgðir voru til af teppum og tjöldum ásamt mat. Ekki þurfti að bíða eftir leyfum.
Bestu kveðjur og þakkir
Eiríkur Ingvarsson Formaður stjórnar ADRA
Eiríkur Ingvar Ingvarsson, 20.5.2008 kl. 20:06
Þetta er merkilega góður árangur fyrir ADRA og safnaðarmeðlimir ættu að vera stolltir að fá að taka þátt og styrkja þetta starf.
Mofi, 20.5.2008 kl. 20:31
Bæta við athugasemd [Innskráning]
Ekki er lengur hægt að skrifa athugasemdir við færsluna, þar sem tímamörk á athugasemdir eru liðin.