Styðjið hjálparstarf ADRA í Kína

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Greinin frá ADRA
[ALERT] ADRA Provides Aid for Earthquake Survivors in China

Silver Spring, Maryland--The Adventist Development and Relief Agency (ADRA) is on the ground in China responding to the needs of survivors after a deadly 7.9-magnitude earthquake struck southwestern China Monday, May 12, killing nearly 15,000, injuring approximately 26,000, and leaving more than 25,000 missing or buried under the rubble, according to state-run media.

An initial emergency response is underway targeting areas affected by the deadly earthquake, which hit 57 miles from Chengdu, the capital city of the Sichuan province, destroying up to 3.5 million homes. ADRA volunteers are in Dou Jiang Yan, one of the most accessible areas in the affected region, to conduct emergency assessment. Based on initial findings, the most urgent needs of survivors are water, food, blankets, shelter, and first aid medical service.

The current situation on the ground continues to be tense and uncertain due to ongoing aftershocks and heavy rains.

The quake, considered the worst since 1976 when more than 240,000 people died, hit at 2:28 p.m. local time (6:28 a.m. GMT) and was felt as far as Beijing and Bangkok, Thailand. Updates will be released as response efforts expand.

To send your contribution to ADRA’s emergency response effort, please contact ADRA at 1.800.424.ADRA (2372) or give online.

ADRA is present in 125 countries, providing community development and emergency management without regard to political or religious association, age, gender, race, or ethnicity.

Additional information about ADRA can be found at


Author: Nadia McGill

Media Contact:
Hearly Mayr
ADRA International
12501 Old Columbia Pike
Silver Spring, MD 20904
Phone: 301.680.6376 50.000 líklega látnir í Kína
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