Efasemdir Darwins

darwins_doubts.jpgNý bók var að koma út eftir Stephen Myers sem fjallar um það sem olli efasemdir hjá Darwin varðandi kenninguna hans.  Bókin heitir "Darwins doubt" og hérna er vefur bókarinnar: www.darwinsdoubt.com

Bókin hefur verið að fá góða dóma, t.d. þá sagði einn fremsti erfðafræðingur Englands,  þetta um bókina:

One of Britain's Top Geneticists Recommends Darwin's Doubt
With the publication of On the Origin of Species in 1859, Darwin acknowledged that there wasn't an adequate explanation for the pattern in the fossil record in which a wide diversity of animal life suddenly appeared in the Cambrian geological period. His doubt about the "Cambrian explosion" centered on the wide range of body forms, the missing fossil intermediates and the lack of evidence for antecedents.

Meyer's book examines the implications of the "Cambrian explosion." It is a fascinating story and analysis of Darwin's doubt about the fossil record and the debate that has ensued. It is a tour de force. It is divided into three main parts with several chapters in each -- "The Mystery of the Missing Fossils," "How to Build an Animal.' And After Darwin What?'

Many leading biologists criticize key aspects of evolution. The main problem with neo-Darwinism is the origin of new biological information. Building a living organism requires an immense amount of information. The issue that arises is the source of the information and how can random mutations and natural selection generate the necessary biological information to produce such a diversity of animal forms without antecedents.

This book is well informed, carefully researched, up-to-date and powerfully argued. Its value is that it confronts Darwin's doubt and deals with the assumptions of neo-Darwinism. This book is much needed and I recommend it to students of all levels, to professionals and to laypeople.

Annar vísindamaður, líffræðingurinn Dr. Wolf-Ekkehard Lönnig hafði þetta að segja um bókina:

More Biologists Endorse Darwin's Doubt: Dr. Wolf-Ekkehard Lönnig
Darwin's Doubt is by far the most up-to-date, accurate, comprehensive and in-depth review of the evidence from all relevant scientific fields that I have encountered in 40 years of studying the Cambrian explosion. An engaging investigation of the origin of animal life and a compelling case for intelligent design.

Steingervingafræðingurinn Mark McMenamin sagði þetta um bókina:

It is hard for us paleontologists, steeped as we are in a tradition of Darwinian analysis, to admit that neo-Darwinian explanations for the Cambrian Explosion have failed miserably. New data acquired in recent years, instead of solving Darwin's dilemma, have rather made it worse. Meyer describes the dimensions of the problem with clarity and precision. His book is a game changer for the study of evolution and evolutionary biology. Stephen Meyer points us in the right direction as we seek a new theory for the origin of Cambrian animal phyla. - See more at: http://www.evolutionnews.org/2013/06/paleontologist_073361.html#sthash.dLW2m9wD.dpuf

Paleontologist Mark McMenamin on Darwin's Doubt
It is hard for us paleontologists, steeped as we are in a tradition of Darwinian analysis, to admit that neo-Darwinian explanations for the Cambrian Explosion have failed miserably. New data acquired in recent years, instead of solving Darwin's dilemma, have rather made it worse. Meyer describes the dimensions of the problem with clarity and precision. His book is a game changer for the study of evolution and evolutionary biology. Stephen Meyer points us in the right direction as we seek a new theory for the origin of Cambrian animal phyla.

Sameinda líffræðingurinn og lífefnafræðingurinn Russell Carlson sagði þetta um Darwins Doubt:

The Engineering Challenge to Darwinian Theory: Biochemist and Molecular Biologist Russell Carlson on Darwin's Doubt
Stephen Meyer elegantly explains why the sudden appearance of animal forms in the Cambrian period gave Darwin pause. He also demonstrates, based on cutting-edge molecular biology, why explaining the origin of animals is now not just a problem of missing fossils, but an even greater engineering problem at the molecular level. With mathematical precision, he shows why the neo-Darwinian mechanism cannot produce the genetic information and novel proteins -- or systems for regulating their expression -- that are required to build new animals. An excellent book and a must read for anyone who wants to gain understanding of the very real -- though often unreported -- scientific challenges facing neo-Darwinism.

Það verður fróðlegt að sjá hvort að nýja bók Myers verði virkilega "Game changer" en ég vona það. Mig hlakkar að minnsta kosti til að ná mér í eintak og lesa bókina. Að lokum þá er hérna stutt myndband þar sem Stephen Myers útskýrir hvað bókin hans fjallar um.

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