5.11.2011 | 14:51
Bréf til http://jesusdisciple.webs.com
Mig langar aš deila meš ykkur stuttu bréfi sem ég sendi til žeirra sem standa aš http://jesusdisciple.webs.com Žarna koma fram żmsar įsakanir gagnvart Ellen White og Ašvent kirkjunni og ef ske kynni aš ašrir hafa svipašar spurningar žį vona ég aš hérna svari ég einhverjum af žeim. Hérna er bréfiš, žvķ mišur er žaš į ensku en flest allir į Ķslandi tala ensku svo ég vona aš žetta sé ekki vandamįl.
Want to comment on a few things on your website.
1. William Miller was not a prophet. He never said he was a prophet and no one called him a prophet. He never said that God spoke to him or anything like that which is what being a prophet is all about. William Miller was devout Bible student and when he examined one of the most amazing prophecies in the book of Daniel, the one that prophesied when Jesus would die on the cross he realized that the same prophecy said something would appened in 1844. He misunderstood the prophecy which lead to all the unfortunate confusion.
2. You claim that Ellen White prophesied a date for which Jesus would return, I think you are misinformed. I think she did no such thing. Either proof that or take it of your website. If you are lying for Jesus, believe me, it's not a good idea.
3. On your website you said "Ellen G. White was a Demon Possessed Heretic who turned the Truth of God into a Lie"
Have you really read any of her books? Like "The desire of ages" for example? It just seems to me demonic to say such a thing about her.
4. On your website you said "JESUS Said There is a Real Hell, and state of Torment Immediately after Death for the Wicked. Luke 16"
You need to study the topic hell a lot better, here is one website you could start with: www.helltruth.com
To even try to defend the idea that a loving God would torture people for millions of years seems absurd to me but if you are really willing to do that, then... God have mercy on your soul.
5. On your website you said "E.G. White said: There is no Hell, The Dead are in a non-conscience state."
Of course she said that because that's what the Bible teaches,again and again, death is described as sleep and in many cases it's stated explicitly, the dead don't know anything, their thoughts have perished, they don't praise God because they sleep in the dust of the earth. ( Eccl 9:5-6, Psa 115:17, Psa 146:4, Deu 31:16, John 11:11-14 )
6. On your website you said "The Seventh Day Adventist Cult was Founded in Lies and False Predictions. Ellen G. White prophesied many false prophesies that all Failed. An Example: She once prophesied that: Jesus had revealed to her that all women should wear the same girdle that she wore."
First, I find it strange to call this a prophecy, it doesn't predict anything. Secondly, here we find Ellen White battling he fashion of her day which was putting a huge burden on women at that time. Please read this to understand this
topic better: http://www.whiteestate.org/issues/Dressref.html
7. On your website you said "The False Gospel: Sabbath, Sabbath, Sabbath.....". First, Jesus said plainly "If you love me, keep my commandments" - John 14:15. Secondly, if Jesus is our role model, then doing what He did must be a good idea and in harmony with His gospel, did Jesus keep His Fathers commandments? ( John 15:10 ) Did Jesus keep the Sabbath? Why is it to teach a different gospel to teach that we should follow Jesus example?
Kind regards,
Halldor Magnusson
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