The greatest hoax on earth?

greatesthoax.jpgNýjasta bók Richard Dawkins ber titilinn "The greatest show on earth". Í þeirri bók er takmark Dawkins að sýna hvaða gögn styðja þróunarkenninguna.  Í bókinni "The greatest hoax on earth?" svarar Jonathan Sarfati þeim rökum sem koma fram í bók Dawkins.

Ég er kominn ágætlega á leið með bók Dawkins og er nýbúinn að fá í hendurnar nokkur eintök af "The greatest hoax on earth?". Já, nokkur því að mig langaði að gefa eintök til einstaklinga sem eru forvitnir um þróun sköpun umræðuna.

Ég hef aðeins sjö eintök svo þetta verður sirka, fyrstur kemur, fyrstur fær.  Þeir sem hafa áhuga geta sent mér póst á 

Þar þarf að koma fram, nafn og heimilisfang svo ég get sent bókina til viðkomandi.

Hérna eru nokkur dæmi um hvað fólk er að segja um bókina:

“I lost my Evolution Faith when I was being taught by London University’s Professor J.Z. Young, FRS, arguably the greatest Darwinian evolutionist of the 20th Century. I have since been waiting for a 21st Century genius to prove that the Darwinian Evolution Emperor has no clothes. Jonathan Sarfati is that genius as you can see from this his latest masterpiece. With an astonishing array of scientific references, Sarfati has demonstrated that he is far and away the better debater than Richard Dawkins, one of those I described elsewhere as ‘whistling in the dark to keep their scientific courage up’. Read it, and re-read it!”
Dr Felix Konotey-Ahulu (a world authority on sickle cell anemia) is Kwegyir Aggrey Distinguished Professor of Human Genetics, University of Cape Coast, Ghana, and Former Consultant Physician Genetic Counsellor, Cromwell Hospital, London. 

“Any rational debate requires the honest presentation of both sides. But there exists a powerful, self-styled ‘intellectual elite’ which would deny us the right to consider all the evidence. They would have a debate wherein only one side was heard, while the other side was either ignored or grossly misrepresented. It is crucial that all honest truth-seekers who read Dawkins'book The Greatest Show on Earth also read Jonathan Sarfati's book The Greatest Hoax on Earth?.”
John Sanford Ph.D., Courtesy Associate Professor, Dept. of Horticultural Sciences, Cornell University. (John is a pioneer of genetic engineering and inventor of the ‘gene gun’) 

“I have been singularly blessed by Jonathan’s writing. His Refuting Evolution and By Design rank up there with the best of the creationist literature. This work, however, surely tops them all. Sarfati’s crisp, incisive no-holds-barred approach is a fearsome weapon, and Dawkins may rue the day he decided to challenge Christianity to a duel on origins. The Greatest Hoax on Earth? is an excellent rebuttal to the best evolution has to offer. The reader should walk away with the understanding that evolutionary theory is a house of cards and its chief spokesmen are promoting poor, illogical, and false arguments against the only viable alternative: biblical creation.”
Robert Carter, Ph.D. in Marine Biology and Genetics (University of Miami)


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